What's a movie you'll never watch again, no matter how good it was?
Why frontman is always so sorry?
So so gassy.. had to let it all out 💕
Honest opinion here regarding 8
If Jack Black was in Sonic 4 who would he play
Recent pickups
Feedee baby belly appreciation 💕
Any images from official fnaf games that freak you out?
What is the darkest / saddest thing in Sonic 3 in your opinion?
AITA for telling a family member to f*ck off?
Who would you want to play Black Doom in a Sonic movie?
Hey, you. You're finally awake. You needed to kill between one and four god-like beings right?
Is Tesla going bankrup?
Question for parents with more than one kid
What movie, TV show or game hasn’t gotten a steelbook that you feel should get one?
The most violent game you ever played
Scarlet Nexus (2021)
And yet another one
With no announcements by Ubisoft to release a Far Cry 7 in 2025, this gap in mainline releases is on track to be the longest in the entire franchise. What major innovation(s) would make the wait worthwhile in your opinion?
Sonic 4 Rumor: Scarlett Johansson-Type Eyed for Amy Rose, Robotnik to Return - Comic Book Movies and Superhero Movie News - SuperHeroHype
Which Video game Antagonists make you mad?
What the fuck happened to gamers man
Another one
Two Monster Hunter steelbooks added to my collection
According to this shot, how tall do you think “Bon” really is?