Looking for cards that say “this isn’t immediately threatening, but is going to a problem eventually if unanswered”
What mono-black win-cons should I put in my Braids Aristocrat deck?
Why are we like this?
A terrifying message to receive at work
Public perception on this deck's toxicity?
Where to start 4 beginner
Strefan, Maurer Progenitor was truly a trash deck.
What was your “finally sitting with the grown ups” moment?
Deck Suggestions For My LGS
New ‘points’ system,
Which are some of the best 1 card combo commanders?
Which commander that uses cards that are only good to him?
Value aside, what booster box is the best to open to gain as many EDH staples for the price?
Eluge the Shoreless Sea Viability?
Everyone Calling Their Deck a 7 is Ruining the Game
Kaalia of the Vast
[FH5] Cannot unlock horizon adventures