Flightradar24 among apps sharing user data and location
Some bar in Oslo with good offer ?
Somebody know what type of plane is this ?? I found it in bruxel suroundings
Did this aircraft just overrun the runway?
Kafeer som faktisk er bra?
Jeg har lagd en video om en kompis som tar bilder av trikken som snart forsvinner
cheapest beer?
Does anyone know whats happening?
Innspill til å gjøre ting utenfor komfortsonen
Patagonia i Oslo?
Syklisten knakk faktisk speilet helt uprovosert.
Hvor drar man ut i Oslo (alene)?
Bars in Grünerløkka for 2 Students
Grizl CF SL 7 - Tuscany Trail
Two 7700’s very close to each other
Micro breweries in Oslo
Dette må vel være det dyreste smørbrød jeg noengang har sett...
SAS 7700
EK241 7700, anyone know why?
I'm almost positive this plane just went down - all tracking was abruptly cut after squawking 7700
Squawk 7700
737 crashes in China - suspected aircraft
A way to search for Romanian phone numbers?
Can someone point me in the direction on where this might be? I've so far thought of west coast of Saudi Arabia due to the stones, but I would like help. The text in the left corner is arabian and may be part of the location's name, I dont know
Anyone having a clue where this might be?