What can I eat to make my poop interesting colors?
Who would you cast as Charlie Sheen in a biopic/series?
Exhibits from the Whose Line Hall of Fame
What superpower would you want to have that’s related to water?
Popeye has officially given up spinach. What food is he going to replace it with to give him his muscles?
Meticulously forged by the greatest Dwarven smiths; hand etched with runes by the greatest Elven sorcerers; now available to the race of men it's:
I have 2 cats but only that one stays like that with her tongue out... does anyone know why?
My tabby has this weird growth on his right arm. Should I be worried?
Whats underrated pancake toping?
Why don‘t Rick and Morty (Smith Family) live in extreme wealth?
Worst ways to reveal bad news to family
I wish you could cook like my mom.
Ivy and Bruce Wayne
Who would you have cast Paul Walker as in the MCU
How does he exist?
I’ll make a super power out of your name
Name for a band where the members are always sick
What stopped you from ending your life?
What’s something uniquely Canadian that would confuse anyone else!
What movie changes the most if a word in the title is replaced with “dick”?
What game is this?
Were you required to read certain books in High School ?
Trump to ban words like "Female" "Feminism" "Women" and more per NY Times.
Have you ever learned things from CornerGas and if so, which ones?
Is this the last cat airbender?