Wo kauft ihr euer (Häkel)Garn?
Cataract surgery - how long does recovery take?
How to reduce stress without loosing everything?
I feel like I'm being punished for being sick
Found this wierd thing on my living room wall
I found a clothes moth in my living room
Found wierd animal on my wall - what is that?!
Dauerhaft „Nachbilder“ beim Sehen
I can't stand high collars and most knitting patterns for sweaters have close collars. Does anybody know of a surefire way to drop the neckline?
Big firm asks me for an ad price - Iam clueless..
Test Knitting “Reviews”
How much money did you spend on yarn this year?
Testknits - Where do you find them?
Black Friday deals
ACE road assistance
Weekly New Patterns And Products Thread September 23, 2024 - September 27, 2024
I made my first garment pattern 😍
Day after Humira
What were your symptoms before you were officially diagnosed?
How can I buy a sandnes pattern online?
Can a RA patients go to gym??
How to get the collar to stand up?
Terrible muscle fatigue towards end of steroid treatment