You can have a 100-year extension to your life…
In Waves Jigsaw is BACK IN STOCK (!) go go go
If death sits next to you in a bar and says "finish your drink, it's time to go." what will be your response?
Is Koskov's escape a better 'intro' for 'Living Daylights'?
Anyone else do this or just me?
Looking back, the most obvious hint that Johnny’s flashbacks are…
What’s gone wrong with James Bond? No star, no script, no plan
What are THE BEST maps to play HARDCORE FREELANCER? Give reasons.......
You are offered 100 million cash. If you accept, an event will occur but you won’t know what it is. You may ask 3 questions before accepting.
Question about Ending: Alt vs Nusa
Meeting Jamie
A genie offers you twelve ways to improve the world. Which three do you take
1/14 History Toronto show was *amazing* :O
Am I crazy? Or is this WAY too nonchalant for what just happened lmfao
75 million USD instantly but you must “check in” at a random location on earth once a month, on a random day.
So assuming the Syringe "kill" for the Constant is canon, what do you think happened to Arthur Edwards after this?
You are given the power to destroy all people who have committed the crime of rape in their lives forever, but there is a 50% chance that their victims might be killed too.
IDs at the Toronto Show 01/14
What are the (main story) ending rewards in 2.1?
What's the scariest, most ominous thing about the Hitman Franchise? (Agent 47, ICA, music, atmosphere, aesthetic, kills, deaths, story, etc.)
I’m hunting for a weirdly specific sound/vibe that Beetlebum has sparked within me (Melancholic Angst, maybe?)
blur have changed their background (probably doesn't mean anything but interesting)
So, I was lied to and Johnny’s pistol actually cooks
Let's see your Vs
You get paid $1 million for naming and locating every single country on the map or $100 for every country you can name and locate