Obama apologized to the Attorney General of California after calling her the "best looking attorney general in the country" at a fundraiser in 2013.
Announcement: Changes to Rule 3, Memes, and Low-Effort Posts
Richard Nixon plays Happy Birthday on the piano for Pat at the Grand Ole Opry, March 16, 1974
Nixon's piano concerto No. 1
Nixon playing piano for Pearl Bailey, March 7, 1974
Nixon playing God Bless America on the piano at the Grand Ole Opry, 1974
Tier list the average American has when it comes to Presidential recognition
Welcome Back to r/Presidents Joe Biden!
What do you think Mr. Beat thinks of Anthony Fantano?
Who would you put on a "modern" Mount Rushmore?
The earliest use of the word 'normalcy' appeared in a math dictionary published 10 years before Warren G. Harding was born.
Grover Cleveland and Adlai Stevenson, 1890
Poor rural family standing at attention for RFK’s funeral train, June 8, 1968
Tell me your favourite/funny/strange facts about any President and I will rate it 1 - 10
Classic Hollywood Bloopers
The Reagans with Jerry Lewis and Muscular Dystrophy poster child Christi Bartlett, March 16, 1981
Bush is a New Deal Democrat in my head. AMA
If generations were named after American presidents
If generations were named after presidents
Which President do you think had the best music released in their Presidency
absolutely crazy