Street sign I thought I might share here
You don’t believe we went to the moon? 🌙
Deactivated Account - Has this happened to anyone before?
Chaaat why is this here
How do you fill Newcrest?
Time passed estimated between Planet Miller and Earth
Interstellar in drawing room
Does Beck agree that JackSucksAtSex?
was banned a while ago for telling automod to kill itself
i love you
Robber misses all his gun shots
Guys how much is your phone screen time
A guy is living on a planet moving at a m/s below the speed of light. What happens if he goes for a run in the direction that the planet's moving?
It could hypothetically be possible to have a potato store a billion trillion terabytes if one atom stored an on/off bit
Guys i am starting tp hesitate if the moon is flat(image related?)
Does anyone know how to make a rainlike sound effect using the instrument editor?
What apps take up the most storage on your phone?
I'm sick of these guess where I'm from posts. Guess where I'm from.
I made the Interstellar Main Theme using a music website called Beepbox
Does anyone else take off their shirt when they poop
I remade the Main Theme of Interstellar
I thought it was real… until I realised it said ‘meat’ instead of ‘beat’
If you ever feel ugly just remember that somebody, somewhere, somehow, is fetishizing you 💖
Which burger restaurant is better?
The post that started this community
Me has it's first member! I'm terrified!