Dare I say rs gf?
Spotify Wrapped for 2024 has arrived
Leonard Cohen had so much sauce
space song by beach house is the most heartbreaking song
"I'm here for one reason and one reason alone. I'm here to guess what the music might do a week, a month, a year from now. That's it. Nothing more".
Vincent Gallo on harmony korine
Have you ever gotten revenge against someone?
What's the worst thing you've said / been told during a breakup?
PJ Harvey by Juergen Teller
Breaking up with someone as gently as possible
The show in Amsterdam was absolutely grand
Half Life 2 is free on Steam. Crossover Preview
Is it easier to succeed at film making in Europe?
how to know if ur a rebound
What are your favorite anthologies?
Steve Bannon filmed Jeffrey Epstein for 15 hours. His 'documentary' has never surfaced.
I finally read the book that was written about me
instagram is so dead
just wrote a love letter and went to deliver it, but ran away
Fat White Family - Religion For One (Official Video)
I'd happily have a Fatwa declared on me to date a gal this pretty
is it ever worth it to reach out to people a long time after an event that you feel ashamed about?
Where to start with Fassbinder?
Where do y'all get your news?
A steak a friend of mine got at a steakhouse in holland. I feel violated
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