Bring it on
Chaos Duardin Announced!
Friendly fire will not be tolerated.
why is this dude getting compared to elon musk??
F21 I was dared to post this. Do your worst!
What are the best AoS audiobooks?
Hear me out…
Whats his name? Top comment gets to choose...
My mom brought these back from a USA trip, how did she do?
What would you choose? (Wally's)
New design for a new ball. What would you call it?
Need help ID’ing movie from memory…
I thought I was 35/all yeah but I’m actually 36
(22) Artist, musician, camera shy as hell. I have no clue what I look like, so go nuts with specifics!
Find the happiness
What armies are the least expensive and what are the most?
WIP of my second Great Unclean One
Roast me :3 18F
A felon, a sex offender, a liar, an idiot. "But tHe PrIcE Of EgGs!"
Just turned 25 and need to be humbled
I got a strike on tiktok for this heinous comment (Viewer discretion advised)
Lvl 1 starly breaks out of ultra ball & refuses to elaborate
Can anyone tell me the edition of these books? I picked up a load of old White Dwarf magazines and these were in the box. I've only played since 7th Edition so not too sure on the older stuff!
Find the dropped Gummy Bear