Did the Roman Army ever revert back to using spears as their main weapon?
If Morgoth was wounded by Fingolfin using a blade, can the other Valar like Manwe be wounded as well?
Why didn't Wakanda share their Vibranium during the 5 years in The Blip?
(Spoilers Main) Are there Children of the Forest at the Isle of Faces?
(Spoilers Main) How did Robb Stark quickly assembled an army?
(Spoilers Main) I wish there would've been a "The Battle of the Gullet" between the Greyjoys and House Redwyne in the Dance
Does Loki know Fenrir is his child?
Do all mythologies have a Heavenly War?
Why didn't the Pope and the Vatican move to Jerusalem after the First Crusade?
Why does Churchill kiss Queen Elizabeth's hand?
What did Criston mean by "stain the hightower name for a generation?" Is snitching bad in Westeros?
(Spoilers Main) My outline for House of the Dragon
(Spoilers Main) How many men did Daemon gather at Harrenhal in the books?
What are the bastards from Dragonstone and Driftmark called? Are they also called "Waters" like the rest of the Crownlands?
Mysaria, Black Council
Hotd s2e4
Mt. Gundabad
Why did Borros Baratheon only marched to help the Greens near the end of the Dance?
Borros Baratheon is disappointing...
Where too stream all movies?
Pewds in his altar for Odin