CWRU ED II for pre-med worth it?
Social Life
anyone have experience living at FOUND Study Nob Hill??
Dipping bread in olive oil with sea salt flakes - a thing in Italy or not?
If the police are called and they call EMT, is the person billed?
What exactly is College Radio?
Is the word 'sweets' (meaning food with a lot of sugar in it like ice cream, cakes, pies, candy bars etc.) common in the US?
Do you guys really eat pasta and pineapple?
In American high schools are tests given after the class/lecture? How long are they? Are they based on questions solved during that lecture?
Is it a thing for Americans to visit some or all of the different Biomes in the US or do you stay roughly in your Area?
How come the US doesn't use the military as a domestic disaster relief force?
Did your high school have a swimming pool?
Have most Americans ever played Baseball or Football (the American kind)?
Is there digital prescriptions in America?
How many driving lessons did you have to take to get your driving licence and how much did your lessons cost you in total?
Did you learn traditional American folks in school or as a kid?
Have you ever watched the sitcom "All in the family"? Do you like it?
Is smashing the bride's or the groom's face into the wedding cake an American tradition?
hey brit here, i found this picture on Pinterest and was wondering what states in the us look like this?
Is it just me or is there a strangely high number of transgender people at CWRU
What percentage of people will get their LA fire losses reimbursed, do you reckon? How common were fire insurances?
Worst airport in America?
How often do you talk to strangers - on the street, supermarket etc?
What is something that is considered a faux-pas in all of America that you would tell all non-Americans to avoid doing?
First time getting sick