Thoughts on Primal Peashooter?
If you were forced to listen to one sf2 ost forever what would it be ?
Best PVZ song I can put as my ringtone?
Is this set even worth it? I only have 5% chance to get the rest of the equipments. Besides I already have monk and sentinel set
Am I overpowered or emay really got nerfed
is yr10 a good year to lock in
does RMIT have fine shyts
How many Bowlingseeds to get it good?
My Appease Mint Tier List
Sunflower in front said no man ever
Advice for spesh 😞
About raids and it's systems
Why are ya'll struggling with this guy? Just use long ranged weapons like kusarigama
Does my internet suck that bad? It took that long just to calc dmg? (Btw, what's ya'lls highest dmg against this guy without charges? Mine is around 910)
Raid cheater
Monk set
Son of the sun? More like son of a BI#CH
That feeling of satisfaction is off the charts every single time 📈📈📈
Developers really have worms instead of brain this sht is too damn hard🤡
How do ya'll do almost 1k dmg every round?
Discussion time, what are the stereotypes of each school in melb
how is poisoning stronger than bleeding on magic?
Can we still maintain our hobbies in year 12?
Why is finding a good clan so difficult
What enchants do you put on your armour endgame
Why is school start in again