How come the AK117 one is the LEAST expensive?
This skin and whoever loves it have a special place in hell.
What group would you be apart of?
Can someone explain WTF IS THIS ABOUT!?!?
Thoughts on the XM4??
Whoever came up with this mode should be arrested ASAP. Solitary confinement for life in a supermax. Without the possibility of parole.
Which gang would you like to be a part of? What if they switched places but their systems remained the same? Dowan is to conquer Gangbuk, Suhyeon have to fight every single day to survive
Which one do you choose?
Can't wait for tomorrow.
Can you rate my safehouse?
What does my weapons says about me
One word
Geez Gabi is annoying
I think I messed up by binge watching. Now, what should I do?
Which of your past action makes you proud of yourself?
Who was this guy standing with Reiner again? He looks like he could pull Annie or something
suggest me bangla romantic novels (anything except teenage ones)
Idk how
Armin Appreciation Post
What’s up with people thinking that Jerry isn’t crazy talented???
When did you realise you are watching greatest anime of all time
rate my safehouse chat
Who’s the best female character in your opinion?
cAn I sTiLl Get leGEnDaRY LK?
What’s an aot character you just want to gently hold? (for me is not a character but the whole ship. EREMIKA so precious)
Favorite character you just want to gently hold?