Minor pet peeve: I don't like when Pcs refuse to be vulnerable.
Why are new TTRPG players often so averse to playing "normal" characters?
PC way stronger than the rest
How would Strahd try to break a pacifist?
Player legitimately rolls worst stats in history, should I allow them to reroll?
How would you roleplay a Mute character
Who would win, Strahd in his castle, or Mystery Inc. Gang?
Need help tormenting the PCs (they're disrespecting Strahd at dinner)
How to help players who don't know how to play their class?
My players have broken me...
As a first time DM, is limiting players to the PHB to limiting?
To tell the DM or to not tell the DM?
The strike is working!
I'll never understand people complaining about combat. Its one of the three pillars of D&D. Hell, the OG starter set has a guy fighting a dragon on the cover. Isn't combat kinda expected?
You are now a Hearthstone dev.
How do I quit this game and never return?
How do you hint to your PCs that they aren’t strong enough?
What are the downsides to Pathfinder 2e?
My character is the “main character”.
DM is obsessed with torturing my character.
Favorite Nuzlocke Format?
Etiquette of interrupting the DM?
Stop players avoiding combat?
One of my players wants to betray the party and join strahd
A player made a serious accusation towards me and I don’t know what to do