I just lost all of my progress someone please help me 😀
Can’t make Girlfriend cum
Can’t make girlfriend cum
Mic system won’t work
Former smoker of Reddit, what made you quit?
Deftones song tournament day 18
What are some bands or Artists similar to Deftones? Looking for new music
Go ahead, name your children
i found this on r/waterfalldump
If 'grunge' didn't exist, how would you classify the big 4?
Looking to Dm my first campaign
What’s the coldest quote you’ve heard from a movie/tv show?
Ruby has way better verses in ALMOST all their songs
Is it ok to not go to church?
use a deftones lyric to describe your current mood
Street carp, we love it? We hate it?
What is period sex like?
Avalon feels like a wash of warm water over my brain everytime it starts up. What song does this for you?
Going to Best Buy, what’s the best PC
What are some compliments men in their 20s want to hear?
Going to buy my first pc this weekend
What are really good grunge bands that aren’t that famous
One has to be deleted forever, which one are you choosing?