Non-Tanzanian animals in the Lion King
Any bands whose lead singer is the drummer or bassist?
POV: You wake up on a Californian plain 20,000 years ago.
What is your favorite ceratopsian dinosaur?
Venom sucks
You think could some non avian dinosaurs speaks like modern day parrot?
Which term in paleontology is considered outdated now? Like I hear people now say that words like primitive are outdated and that plesiomorphic is more accepted.
What’s a lion king quote from any movie or series that just makes you chuckle everytime?
What are your headcanons for the Toy animatronics?
Do you think the lion kings be for or against interspecies marriage in the Pride Lands
What is actually wrong with this Generation?
Spinosaurus is offering you to go fishing, would you accept?
Remember the time North America had hyenas? Yeah meet Chasmaporthetes they are nicknamed the cheetah hyenas cus of how fast they were. They died out in the Pleistocene.
Probably the dumbest question ever
What was your first band shirt ?
Other youtubers similar to Cory?
Images like this remind me that dinosaurs are quite scary.
what movies made you go “WTF did i just watch?”
How many movies you watch per year?
Favourite band from your local scene?
What is your favorite black metal band
Give me a prediction for 2025 (?)
For those whove seen it, whats yalls opinions on Black Death?
It’s supposed to be cold, but this wind is making me lose my mind
My take on Kiros