Got any bright ideas for stopping my shower spraying across the room and soaking everywhere?
Noravirus has hit our household
Optimal build for Wrecka Crew for use in both games?
If you could call yourself five years ago and had 30 seconds, what would you say?
I had no clue I was so... cool?
Working out during fasting
How many chaplains is too many for a 2k list?
How old were you when you got married?
Taking a baby to Twickenham
Male Teacher's shoes
We were assigned The Grapes of Wrath in high school and for most people it was long, slow and boring, but that book RADICALIZED me. What books in your high school classes changed how you understood people or society?
My neighbor has a carpeted garage
Favorite green spray can?
UK- Primary- What is the behaviour like in your school?
Finished up my Leviathan marines
Revision classes- no overtime pay.
What is your favorite live album?
Best weaponloadout?
Have you ever completed a 'Hobby magazine'?
Colour Forge Renegade Green
6th form planning - takes forever!
Trying to recreate the new Krieg colour scheme, thoughts?
Are there modern "classic rock" style bands?
Why won't my Y12s f**kin do ANYTHING outside of the lesson?