Dog plays dead until pitbull is taken away
English professors are gonna love it
Sigh, Mod Post on all the shit about censoring self harm
[Hyprland] Lament
Nice try, but I like my stuff working
Anon thinks 2015 game graphics are better.
Indian proverb about tryhards
What sound does this make?
It's not just a river in Egypt, you know.
Mike the headless chicken who survived for 18 months without a head
Is there a GTK 3 fork?
The Subreddits Condition Right Now
Disconnect between the Japanese and English communities
FPS Games?
Losercity bottle opener
Deep (rule) seek 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
“I am no longer injecting my son’s blood” rule
Which mod does this and how do I get rid of it?
average gentoo user
dreams shattered
Is there anyway to not see this everytime I boot?
is this a good cosplay board for ame?
Blitz sends you a text saying wants to take you to bed. Your most recent emoji is your reponse