New to dynavap
[Actives] Have I got a problem here? I appreciate things are not looking very good but are they edible?
[Actives] 3 weeks since S2B still not ready
3weeks after S2B still not ready
average mahindra owner
Just a lil something I made a few weeks ago
[technique] [actives] What’s going on here?
How do I go about taking these??
Withdrawals after tooth extraction
what is a good affordable 1 person tent THAT IS WATER PROOF? something that looks like the photo
I dont get it
Can someone tell me why my telemetry data is all fucked and doesn't match what's happening? I'd ask the other sub but I'm not going 15 under the speed limit.
Where does mr. wire live?
Kill switch problems
Starter wiring
So I just bought an oz of this, how blasted am I getting?
Found This Lil Mutated Guy In My Compost Bin
Does anyone else have a grinder that’s been through literal pounds of weed like mine
Smut book
For when you want to get just a little bit high
Does this look like too much rake to you guys? I added the bull bar and I’m worried it weighs the front down too much
Translated - My first 250ug 1p-lsd trip
A dark but funny boomer comic