Weight loss
What’s the best physical feeling other than anything sex-related?
The culture of this sub is unlike any other medical community I’ve been a part of
Follicular sickness?!
Me, sick during follicular when I should be thriving
Heart Palpitations - Dangerous? Or just annoying?
I don't know were to go with this question...
How do you know if you’re in a “flare up?”
Does anyone else experience trouble swallowing due to enlarged thyroid?
‘‘Twas the night before my period…”
Autoimmune rash/hives?
Anyone having cold feet and hands, and temperatures accentuated?
My feet are so cold at night, sometimes they look like corpse feet
Upper Back Pain Week Before Period
Pain between shoulder blades around period and ovulation time.
[Skin Concerns] Are there any serious lightening methods? I’m fully considering bleaching. Leftover darkening from severe eczema. This is more than a “dark spot”....
I want to share what happened to me yesterday, by showing you the letter i wrote in complaint to the BU dental School. I copied this directly from my email to them.
CBN for anxiety ( GAD ) question.
Made a list of all the intrusive thoughts i’ve had today whilst in the luteal phase !!
FNA results tirads 5 nodule
Thinking about ending things
Bring the challenges back!
Flu like
Got the period flu