My Gallery Wall!
Since yall enjoyed the last post I thought I’d provide a few more, clearer images :3
Looking for some easy fun things to do during Art Club
Pug Mill Help!!!
Trash missed
Ever been attacked by a student? How badly were you injured? Did you sue the school? And want to go back a teach again?
Simple Sewing Questions Thread, July 16 - July 22, 2023
Need Pattern Help! Wedding dress inspo
Anybody have ideas of what to embroider onto my dress??
Chess Gathering?
teaching digital painting: no experience
Pottery (NOT classes)
anyone recognize this? fauvism? already tried Google reverse image search
fence builders?
Ice Cream Cult Leader terry towel jacket!
I made another shroomie bottle
What are some LGBTQIA+ friendly businesses and what are some NOT so friendly businesses.
Tote bag reworked into shorts. Threw in some old cargo pants too
Any local bands that we should give a listen to?
Ultimate frisbee??
What petty thing has your administration done recently that just infuriated you?
What’s the most micromanage-y thing your admin is doing this year?