We are almost finished
New Variant Just dropped
WTF happened to Nintendo
Savegame editing?
My finger randomly turned purple for no reason
How do you guys back up your Zabbix Server?
Gems and catchers
What game flopped so hard but you wish it succeeded?
Only 1 game for life, which would it be?
Gamers 30+, which older games would you still recommend to young gamers?
Showing my HMF factory
Bored and curious
jellyfish event
2 day events
After a day of restarting the app to collect..
Fuck this game!
If a 4th class of guardian were introduced into the game, but you could still only have 3 different characters on your account....
What do we think the surprise is?
Should I redo this?
What's a video game where you're secretly the villain?
The second collapse
Bungie, Vex Mythoclast is a 360 RPM High-Impact Auto Rifle with 85 range. It experiences damage drop-off at TWENTY NINE METERS. What gives?
Is the bar Orange or Yellow? I can never see the difference
Spire/Persys Jolt and Gathering Storm Cheese - Does it still work?
Bungie.. for the love of god.. let me just claim my Finest Matterweave.