Meanwhile, in the family group chat…
understand mormons don’t believe genetics is a real science except when it is, but mormons also reject neanderthals existed?
I just….I’m speechless
Cult Rap
Federal Agency Dedicated to Mental Illness and Addiction Faces Huge Cuts
A Defense of The LDS Church's $200B Financial Reserve!
If They Are Seers, Where Are The Revelations?
I was flamed by the so called "experts" in this sub for saying this 2 months ago...
Why not Quintin Post?
TBM Parents Think SC Will Happen in 4 Days
This is wrong
Are Mormons Christian?
Has anyone who was Mormon become atheist?
Where did the "no swearing" thing come from?
So I talked my mom
How would you reply?
‘The basis of eugenics’: Elon Musk and the menacing return of the R-word
What the flip
This is Percy. He likes to sleep on top of my skirts
Hardest part about leaving Utah?
How do mormon leaders rationalize their dictatorship?
What are some good sources disproving Mormonism?
Is Mormon Exceptionalism a gateway to Christian Nationalism?
How would you describe your family’s conservative level?
After leaving the church, do you choose to become an atheist, an agnostic, or a Christian (Baptist, Catholic, etc.)?
Mormons being deemed not the right kind of Christian