i know we all hate when this happens
Best Way to Sell a Lot of Clothes Without the Hassle of Listing Individually?
Anxiety won’t let me take up on a life in a lifetime opportunity
Old merch
Panic attacks in dreams
Kitchenaid hand mixer vs the real deal
First post, my most recent thrift/op shop haul. $2 each.
The list, not arranged just by tier
Did your wardrobe explode too after you started thrifting?
have any of you guys ever done this?
Sending back shoes (shoes for crews)
Technics SL-PC20 Stereo 5 disc CD Player
Reply with a record you think no one else on this sub has!
What was the first $b track you ever heard?
CD player recs & question
Breakfast ideas?
Men of Reddit, what’s the male equivalent of stockings that instantly elevate a man’s look and make him look great?
Found this CD signed by Matt Sharp (of Weezer). Is it worth anything?
Do you let your pets near your plushies?
New Girl - The dress Prince gave to Jess
Daily Discussion & Advice (Post here to follow rules A & B) - Monday February 03, 2025
What artist takes up the most space in your CD collection?
can you still eat bad foods sometimes with kidney stones
Giveaway! Comment to enter. U.S. only (sorry). Audio-Technica AT-LP70X
For those who take 7 or more days to ship….what is the reason? Genuinely asking