whats your opinion on receiving flowers and surprise care baskets?
How do i get past this withdrawal
Cocaine addiction
opinions on first offence charge; B&E with intent
I’ve been having seizures and I don’t know how to tell my parents and friends
I haven’t been sober for more than 2 weeks in over a year
Is this a normal response?
Which drug do you think has destroyed more lives?
What to expect in rehab?
I’ve been up all night and can’t sleep does anyone wanna chat?
What’s the best drug combo?
What should I add? 🤔
What color is best for me?
Face piercing ?
Do you delete pictures of your ex when it's over?
Blond or Brown?
How can I so better?
I saw this in a snapchat creator’s story
We’re going to try out something new. Refuge Recovery does an inventory of the suffering caused by addiction. I’m going to post a prompt, you respond as honestly as possible.
story time…
Should I be concerned if one dose of 15 mg abilifi is missed?
What piercing to get?
Really considering a Monroe, should I or should I do something else to jazz up my face?
have camp job including swimming but also new piercing