Excedrin side effects
Winter Dog Friendly Places
According to my mom, I'm being too sensitive.
What’s one thing you’re proud of but never have an excuse to bring up?
Someone commiserate with me (plus a cleaning tip)
Hurricane migraine check in! 😮💨
I’m so tired of being villainized for telling husband to GET TO THE POINT
Accupressure mats!!!!
Electrolyte drink
Jobs that revolve around public speaking?
AITA for pretending to throw out my girlfriend’s blanket?
When you get the stupids
I was a “gifted child”, now I’m fuckin homeless 🥳
How long does it take for your “brain to wake up” once you’ve woken up?
What on earth happened to me?
I (33M) and my wife (33F) are adopting a black child, and we're being told we're wrong for doing so.
AITAH for getting hurt and upset over a “harmless prank” that my husband pulled?
EEG preliminary results
Bf bought me a wordsearch book that has only one word in 200 pages
Is jumpiness a symptom for you all?
Can migraines last as long as 10 days?
boyfriends sister is using all of my stuff
AITA for crying during arguments with my boyfriend?
How to accept sagging breasts after losing weight
What are easy careers that pay well enough? $50k+?