Picture of MAGA patriots attacking capitol police.
I am officially Nerf Proof! All ascendancies are in maps
Indigo odin 2 portal arrived in 5 days!
Path of Exile 2 the worst thing that could happen to poe
And so it begins...
Unsettling synchronicity found in DC crash footage
A jar of crap, please!
Its over, we're done guys
We didn't believe him, we feared it was true.... now we know
Confess. You remember this song even if it has been 10+ years
Odin 2 Discord user claims to have ported Batocera to it
My friend got a creepy recommendation from Google AI
How to start fun with Portal ??? Help.....
What are some good things happening in our community? I know it won't cancel out the flood of troubling news, but maybe bits of good news will help us get through the day
After all these years and all these games that failed to take it down, maybe we finally found the real PoE killer?
Which should I invest in?
GDC 2019 - "It is inexcusable for a player to be able to leave your game without knowing the date they are returning to it."
A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players
Guys. I know you are disspointed but bussines is about numbers not feelings
D2 Nostalgia is bad for a game made in the current year?
Would you quit your job, take a leap of faith, and never work again if you got 5 BTC?
This seems like it’s fake. Anyone familiar with this?
Grumpy purse strap
Raging Italian dad freaks out over building cabinets
Everyone when the Switch 2 comes out