Beating the game pure mage
Better ways of playing Warrior?
Non-native speakers, how was it like learning the Hebrew letters?
Python sys.path inconsistent
For the people hoping Duolingo will bring back the tree... How Duolingo's A/B testing works.
Juggernaut Alpha Survivor Round 7
First run on the 768th attempt
Gear for a YouTube course
Seeking advice on proper ways and good practices
Potion bottles in M&M 6
What are youre all-time favorite periphery solos?
MSI B550 shows various EZ Debug LEDs and no video
Can we all just take a moment to acknowledge what an incredible vocalist Spencer is?
When and how did you know Periphery?
Most underrated Periphery songs?
Periphery IV: Hail Stan review
This probably a popular sentiment already, but I can't get enough of Stranger Things
Sponce Interview
Any old Bulb records on Hail Stan?
Least Favorite Songs
Favorite Songs
Unexpected plot advance in Chapter 2