For our new kobo friends, prepare to have your device for a long time!
Are skinny/healthy weight people just not as hungry as people who struggle with obesity?
A reminder that e-ink tech doesn't move all that quickly, so if you're looking to buy, don't worry about an older device. The newest one here is 10 years old.
You were all warned in a nice and subtle way five months ago. You want to discuss it or complain? Here’s your thread. But the rule isn’t changing.
Bedwetter’s Outside Australia
Are black and white e-readers being phased out in favor of colour screens?
Does anyone who still uses a PRS-505 know if there are any sources for batteries still?
How safe are ladders?
Raymond Savage clock repairs on George Street
Did you ever dropped a series after multiple books? Not sure if I should continue Witcher after book 5 (no spoilers)
Finally plucked up the courage to attempt to replace the battery on my seventeen year old Sony Reader PRS-505. Anybody else still have any of their early e-readers?
Does microwave cause mostly superficial heating?
What is the most NSFW thing you have seen at your job?
What's something people underestimate because it has a low barrier to entry but actually is very skillful?
Why did all of civilization agree to orient global maps with north on the top and south in the bottom?
Why are the olives at market stalls so expensive?
ELI5: "connecting to public wifi" and "creating a hotspot from public wifi", is the other one more secure ?
What are crop circles and how are they made?
Why cant you charge a pair of bluetooth headphones and use them at the same time?
What’s the most random item you’ve had to put in the backseat of your car?
Is it possible that objects have more properties than we can detect with our senses?
ELI5: if you put a manual transmission vehicle in gear, and let the clutch out, it jolts and stalls. What causes the engine to stop?
What’s the biggest spider you’ve seen in the UK?
If Top Gear (in its prime) was airing today, would it be as popular with the youth as it was during the 2010s?
I was finally able to meet Ella Purnell at Megacon this weekend 🥺 A dream come true!