Can anyone help me figure out where my tank is at into being cycled?
How can I add depth to my tank?
Do my harlequins have ich?
Help!! Nitrates are super high
Why are my nitrates so high?
Found this in the bedroom, please tell me it’s not an infestation type of bug
How much did your pyr weigh at six months and how much do they weigh now??
Anyone else’s yard have the infamous Pyr Path?
Was nobody gonna tell me how stinkin' cute these little guys are???
My scape seems off, What do you all think?
My sister made a gofundme for her fish.
Cozy Kudou
What are these spots on my snail?
Love changes everything.
I've had this little diva for 6 months and she's still suspicious of me
Is he just fat or is it Dropsy?
Snail ID- Harmful?
Too sleepy?
Cant tell if i have any females!!
[LF] - 60446 - $ - Secondhand cube aquariums
I just lost my big bear of 14 years and heartbroken. Send me your goofyest pyr pics to distract me
what should i add to Bruce’s tank?
new fish owner!!
I can’t stand my autistic brother.
[LF] - S Chicago Suburbs - Male Red Cherry Shrimp