Email Elon Update - I signed him up for pet insurance emails for his pet, Trump
Hell must have frozen over because the overwhelming majority of replies to this lunatic who wants advice on her demented foster pit are actually sensible
Fabric scraps? Make ugly dog togs!
ICE spotted in Boise
How to warn a family member about the danger that pits pose to children
Extended family pit breaks my heart.
Why do innocent people suffer?
Holiday season brings in an influx of shibbles
People who complain about others putting up Christmas decorations in November
Are shelters to be avoided completely when looking for a dog? Is the risk of getting a pitbull mix just too high?
After quitting due to getting mauled by a pitbull among other horrible personal circumstances, I have no idea how to get started on my fitness journey a second time.
Feeling Despair About The World
Gen z is the reason trump won, not boomers.
How to effectively argue against pits (my thoughts)
Two pitbulls try to tear a car apart to get to a cat
"I have to wear protective clothes so my pit bull can bite me without hurting me", "We never had a problem with her." I'm sorry, WHAT? These people don't know what it's like to have a real pet.
The transphobic ads are actually insane
Pit Mix Encounter at Vet
Pit bull in local group is being rehomed for the second time. Current owner is assuming the behavioral issues are because the previous owner (who is still in the group and can see this post) abused it
Taken from a pro-Pitbull group on Facebook to show that there's only one true Pitbull breed, the others people always mistaken for pit bulls. That's it folks, we're done, time to pack it in.
from a dog group on fb… poor little girl.
“Ignorance is bliss. That beagle was probably more mean than the pit bull. Smh”
August 2024 Love Letters from our Fan Club!
Involved in something pretty horrific last night and I think I’m traumatized